500 gm jar.  

Serve with meatballs or eggs or chicken parmigiana (see recipe below) or as a base for soups, casseroles or anything requiring a rich, tomato flavour hit. Or simply toss through pasta with loads of parmesan, extra fresh basil and a drizzle of chilli oil.

Roasted tomatoes are one of the great joys of life. Add onions, garlic, basil and olive oil and you’re laughing. Instead of blanching the tomatoes, we roast them with garlic and onions which concentrates and intensifies the umami tones and gives the sauce a lovely rich flavour. 

Ingredients: roasted tomatoes, onions, garlic, field grown basil, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, pepper. 

Made in a kitchen that also handles peanuts, tree nuts, nuts, milk, eggs, sesame seeds, soy, wheat, lupin and sulphites.

Why we make it
It’s been a long day, you’re exhausted, it’s late and if one more person asks ‘what’s for dinner?’ you’re going to do something regrettable.

Relax. Pour yourself a glass of wine, put your feet up for a minute and let us make dinner easy for you with the Conscientious Carnivore’s answer to fast food. 

If you're like us, the quest to achieve a sane work/life balance sometimes feels like a cross between an extreme sport practised by certified lunatics and a form of medieval torture, so the ease of these dishes has great appeal. If you don't have kids then you're probably even more crazy busy as there's more time and more room to take on more things.

Either way, most people we know - kidded or otherwise - feel as though they spend a good part of their lives in one of those NASA G-Force simulators and we could all do with a break from the dinner treadmill now and then.

Enter the Put Your Feet Up Sauces which do most of the work of putting dinner on the table for you.

Veal or chicken Parmigiana

Fry the schnitzel until it's golden and crisp. We prefer our seedy schnitzel.

Heat the oven to 180. Spread a generous layer of tomato sauce over the base of a baking dish and lay the cooked schnitzel on top. Cover with a goodly sprinkle of freshly-grated parmesan, salt and pepper and lay thinly-sliced Burraduc Buffalo mozzarella on top. Then add another layer of tomato sauce, then mozzarella slices and finish with another sprinkling of parmesan.

Cover the dish and bake for 20-25 minutes, then remove the cover and give it another 5-10 minutes. Whack it under the grill briefly for a really golden brown, melted cheese top.

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